Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Life Lessons

We should be happy that we have been given an opportunity to take birth in the great earth to correct our Karmic balance. Before birth we plan everything about our new life with our masters and we design our new life in order to learn a particular lesson. The lesson we learn in earth helps us to elevate ourselves in the spiritual plane. Life is full of learning. Through our actions we continuously balance our karmas. Earth provides us an opportunity to learn about good and bad. People who connect with us are really helping us to learn lesson from them every day.

If you happen to connect with a selfish person, who is well settled but selfish in nature, who mostly focus on money and spend them 100% for the happiness of his/her family only – understand that our master is teaching us about the divine meaning of giving to others, the divine meaning of unconditional love to everyone. Thank the character for the opportunity.

If you meet an angry, jealous person who looks friendly from outside – understand that your master is teaching ‘how to maintain patience’ in an unstable situation, your soul can even feel pity for the other person who lacks lots of love and hurting themselves with negative energies. These negative energies move them further from the truth of one's being, the darker it becomes and the lower the frequency. Thank that kind of character for this learning opportunity.

If you end up in a relationship breakdown – understand everyone is a character and we all are passing clouds to each other. Ask your masters for help to overcome this situation. If you listen more, your masters will teach you to get an apology from the other person for all the cause of your action that affected him / her. Don’t blame the other person. Understand we are only playing a character game here. Our main aim is what lesson our master is teaching us here on how to balance our Karma. We learn the lesson of shredding all our negative emotions including anger, counteraction, sadness, loneliness, etc through one great tool called ‘forgiveness’. Ask for forgiveness from the other person irrespective of his/her action. From your end forgive the person and thank that kind of character for this opportunity.

If you see a deadly disease person– understand they are here to balance their karma, pre-planned to face a greatest challenge to elevate them further into the highest plane. Help them and care them with great deal of love. Our masters are teaching a lesson to us which act as a stepping stone to something else. Thank them for the opportunity.

If you see a person who committed a mistake and get shame in front of the society – understand our masters are teaching us how to forgive them. It is not that easy. It requires lots of healing and practice. Thank them for the opportunity.

We need to learn how to stay open in our heart and shred our fear. We should continue to practice the highest frequency in the universe - the divine love. Nothing is happening without reason. It is not an easy task. We all face ups and down in life. With this challenge we should pray our masters every minute to remain pure and learn our lessons. Our aim is to shred the entire luggage that we have in our shoulders in this earth and fly back home with a free wings. Let our masters help us to understand our real soul and the meaning of our birth.